Damp Home


A damp home is usually cold in winter, sticky in summer, has mould, odours and condensation. In the absence of a leaking roof or plumbing/drainage problems ventilation is the only solution. Most of our damp issues are microclimate driven. Houses in Australia tend to the one size fits all – but we have thousands of microclimates. A house on Sydney’s northern beaches can be built exactly the same as one in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs – but the demands of the local environment and lifestyle will affect internal dampness.

There are a range of inAIR solutions for damp homes

Your mouldbuster expert will assess your home to arrive at a comprehensive recommendation to improve your ventilation. For moderately damp homes, subfloor ventilation may be sufficient. For single rooms, some better use of windows and common sense might be the answer. For more serious dampness issues, inAIR PPFV or inAIR PEV and/or more powerful extraction may be warranted.


Common sense is free. inAIR subfloor and PEV systems start at $2000, single rooms solutions around $750, and whole home automated inAIR PPFV systems start at $4000

To Get Rid Of Damp Home


Hi – I’m Fiona from Mouldbuster – The Home Ventilation Specialist

Let me organise an Obligation Free Consultation for you with one of our Ventilation Specialists.